Monday, August 12, 2019

John 11:25 | Power of Words

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last Reflection 2015

My New Year Day Wish

As the many festivities are well underway, and countdown soon to began. I leave you will this finally of 2015 and wish for 2016. Enjoy your night, and luck in 2016.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

What do you want ?


An easy question, that float to the mind every now and then....

Mostly its what cannot be bought..

It's what lays on the line between simplistic of life and common respect.

On the counter of Love and Happiness; across from God and family.

The feeling of peace and fulfillment when I lay my head down to rest

The joy of being energized and eager, awaking up to the start a new day.

Only, to realize I have awaken in dreamland and not my horrid existence

THANKFUL for those in my life while GRATEFUL for

 what life has brought me to.

Basically true bliss and security.

Doesn't everyone?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Revolution Evolution


While many are gearing up for this up coming year. Its important to take a few moments and partake in some personal reflections about this year. Though most might strongly believe in the saying of 'putting the past behind', and starting off fresh. Remember, this how can anyone move forwarded without having a basics to start from.

We are all on our own personal journey, and while we can put up a great front for the rest world. No one knows better than ourself how well, failing, determined, or broken we really are. With that said, take your moment, really focus on the person you want to be and the things you want to accomplish. Are you moving forwards or giving up?
Whatever your answer is, be honest with yourself. 
Do not be discourage because failed past resolutions, or  feelings of intimidation. We are only human, mistake are what make us. 
Above all its important to remember to set your goals and grow from this past year.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mirror Mirror

Echo, friend o foe.

We are only human yet

fear has us seeing 

what once was a companion,

in the mirror full

of hopes and dreams. Now reflects

regrets of many harsh years

past. So are we to

cower accept failure O 

keep moving forward?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Like a Hamster

Albert Einstein said

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Whether on the edge of a complete breakdown or dealing with a hectic situation. Consider these few things in stressing times. First the cause, second the solution, and three the process.

Now while the first two may seem obvious. As people, we tend not wanting to endure nor prolong unpleasantness. Call it basic instant or human nature that urge us to identify and resolve any issue at hand. We focus on those factors rather then review, or 'ask questions' stage or what I prefer to refer it as the process.

The process of HOW is what define us. In my view it's our key, our personal take. How did I get myself here, could anything of done to lessen the impact or damage to myself. What will be my next move. Action no action, resentment or dismissal. The end result shape us as human towards mutual understand or continuous civil batter.

Now from time to time if you find yourself hitting a familiar breaking point. Ask yourself: Am I hoping for different results or am truly moving forward towards greatness.